Saturday, October 28, 2017

जेल में जश्न!

जेल हुआ तो क्या हुआ, आखिर इंदौर में है. और मेहमाननवाजी इंदौर के कण-कण में बसी हुई है. तो अपने मेहमानों की आवभगत में जेल कोई कसर कैसे छोड़ सकता था? मेहमानों को तरह-तरह के भरपेट खाने और नाश्ते नहीं कराता तो इंदौर की इज़्ज़त मिट्टी में नहीं मिल जाती? जेल एक बुरा मेजबान साबित नहीं हो जाता? जेल कतई नहीं चाहता था कि ऐसा हो.

तो वह जुट गया अतिथियों की खातिरदारी में. उसने अपने आदमियों से साफ़-साफ़ कह दिया: सुबह की चाय, फिर नाश्ता, फिर दोपहर का भोजन, फिर शाम की चाय और उसके बाद रात का खाना सारा स्वादिष्ट हो, सबको प्यार से परोसा जाए, सबकी पसंद-नापसंद का ठीक से ख़याल रखा जाए, फल, सब्ज़ियाँ, मेवे -मिठाइयाँ, अचार, पापड़, चटनी किसी में कोई कमी नहीं रहनी चाहिए. सुबह चाय के साथ मीठे और नमकीन बिस्किट, नाश्ते में सेंव-पोहा-जलेबी, दोपहर के भोजन में तीन तरह की सब्ज़ियाँ, दाल, पूड़ी, पुलाव, रायता, सलाद, और मीठा, शाम की चाय के साथ कभी भजिये, कभी कचोरी-समोसा, कभी हॉट डॉग, कभी पेटिस, कभी आलू की टिकिया, कभी भुट्टे का कीस, कभी साबूदाने की खिचड़ी जैसा कुछ चटपटा, और रात के खाने में कढ़ी चावल, पराठे-सब्ज़ी जैसा कुछ हल्का-फुल्का तो कम-से-कम होना ही चाहिए. साथ ही मौसम के हिसाब से गराडू, गाजर का हलवा, दाल-बाफले-लड्डू, आम का रस, लस्सी, शिकंजी, कुल्फी, गुड़ की गजक, आइस क्रीम जैसी ख़ास चीज़ों को भी शामिल किया जाना चाहिए. आखिर दूर-दराज़ से इंदौर आए हुए लोगों को बुरा नहीं लगना चाहिए कि वे जेल में बंद हैं और सराफ़ा और छप्पन जैसी जगहों पर जाकर इन सारी चीज़ों का लुत्फ़ नहीं उठा सकते.

जेल के रसोइये कमर कस कर जेल के आदेशों पर अमल करने लगे. रसोईघर से सुबह-दोपहर-शाम खुशबू के झोंके आते, मसाले पीसे जाते, सब्ज़ियों-दालों में हींग के छौंक लगते, कोथमीर और हरी मिर्च की चटनी पीसी जाती, नींबू निचोड़े जाते, शुद्ध घी में जलेबियाँ तली जातीं और बड़े-बड़े कड़ाहों में दूध उबाला जाता. इतने प्यार और दुलार से मेहमान खुश न होते तो क्या होते? अपने मेजबान की दिलदारी से भावविभोर हो कर वह बेचारे सोच में पड़ जाते कि क्या खाएँ और क्या न खाएँ. कई बार तो उन्हें मजबूरी में इसलिए खाना पड़ता कि जेल बुरा न मान जाए. यदि खाना बच जाता, तो जेल बहुत दुखी हो जाता था. उसने अपने मेहमानों के लिए पान, सुपारी, पाचक चूर्ण, और हरड़े आदि की भी व्यवस्था कर रखी थी. इसलिए पेट भर कर खाने के सिवाय मेहमानों के सामने दूसरा कोई रास्ता न था.

धीरे-धीरे उन्हें इस सबकी आदत पड़ गई. और वे तरह-तरह के खाने खाने में माहिर हो गए. यह बात और है कि उनका वज़न दिन दूना रात चौगुना बढ़ने लगा. कपड़े छोटे पड़ने लगे. लेकिन मेजबान की ख़ुशी और इंदौर की शान के लिए क्या वह इतना भी नहीं कर सकते थे?


यह लेख इस रिपोर्ट पर आधारित एक हल्का-फुल्का व्यंग्य है. कृपया इसे अन्यथा न लें.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Portrait Of My Mother!

A small rectangle of black granite is her canvas. Heaps of white and coloured rangoli powder are her paints. And her nimble fingers are her brushes. Every morning she is seated in the prayer room drawing a beautiful design to welcome the day. Sometimes they are floral patterns, at other times geometric forms, and on birthdays and festivals, it is brief messages in text. The granite slab is her personal space where she expresses herself using the humble rangoli powder. New Years have been ushered in, Independence Days and Republic Days have been marked,  cricket teams have been wished good luck --she is a cricket enthusiast---, and guests/family members have been greeted on special occasions with her lines and letters drawn here. Once when I returned home from the hospital after a major surgery, her rangoli was waiting at the doorstep to welcome and soothe me.

A birthday feast for her daughter-in-law
On some days, the rangoli makes an appearance on the sunmica-topped dining table, often drawn around the plate of someone celebrating a birthday in the family. What is around the plate is of course beautiful. Moreover, what is on the plate is not only beautiful, but also tempting and delicious. She loves to plan menus and cook, serving the items neatly and aesthetically on the plate and in the accompanying bowls.

Her neatness is not restricted to the dining table, it reflects everywhere around the house. The beds are made nicely, the dining table and kitchen surfaces are free of clutter and are gleaming, the living room is always in order, and the entrance to the house bright and open making visitors feel welcome instantly. The shelves in the kitchen are always lined smartly and all cupboards in the kitchen and bedrooms are arranged meticulously.  What is remarkable is that she executes her neatness without compelling or bothering others in the family. Neatness freaks often terrorise other members in the family with their sometimes unreasonable demands. Not her. She just says keeping the house neat is a continuous process, that's all. Needless to say, she is always tidily turned out in a saree.

The continuous flow of house-guests to the house over the decades says a lot about her warm hospitality and her ability to adapt to the guests' needs. She makes them completely at ease, often changing her schedule to suit their requirements.

A colourful kite to mark the festival of Sankranti
She is the central figure in the family when it comes to celebrating festivals. Be it putting up decorations, getting things ready for certain rituals, planning specific foods for certain festivals and putting things back after the celebrations...she does it all year after year. Another of her interests is gift-packing. Almost all the gifts are personally wrapped by her. She loves knitting and makes sweater-cap-socks sets for newborns to this day. Knitting a sweater for an adult is a bit too strenuous for her now, but she has done that a lot earlier.

A plant-lover, she keeps a charming garden of potted plants in the veranda. It is her hobby to arrange twigs, leaves and flowers in big and small vases spread around the house. The arrangements are often minimalist and do not involve buying flowers from the market.

All these are very pleasant and likeable traits indeed, but what set her apart are other qualities: a loving heart that touches almost everybody who interacts with her, her cheerful demeanour that brings joy to everyone around her, her positive energy and enthusiasm, her ability to share others' happiness and to enjoy small pleasures of life. It is this joie de vivre that keeps her young at heart and in spirit. Of course, age does not spare anybody and she is no exception either. Aches and pains in the knees and back are routine affairs that she manages to keep at bay with regular exercise and a walk in the neighbourhood park. A light eater, she eats simple homemade food in small quantities;  her delicate system not allowing her to eat heavy and spicy food.

She is my mother--Aai, as we call her.

Why am I saying all this? Is it her birthday today? No, saying it because generally we do not express our feelings towards our close family members. We make efforts to send greetings and wishes to friends and relatives living faraway, but keep mum when it comes to recognising qualities of people at home. This is just a small effort towards correcting that. A nod of approval, a word of appreciation, a touch of love and care, and a pat of encouragement do go a long way in making your loved ones happy. So why not do that once in a while?

Aai, may you continue to walk your path happily, healthily and heartily.